***UPDATE (March 25, 2011): The Mooh Brothers has been acquired by TVNZ (New Zealand) and True Visions (Thailand)***

For Niolan Entertainment I managed the production of the animated series 'The Mooh Brothers' and coordinated the different production departments; a script departments in Germany and the USA, overseas animation companies, a sound department and a post-production department in Belgium. The entire production took 3 years.

The main characters were designed by me. Lucy the cat was designed by Frieda Van Raevels. The crows Rosco and Boscoe, Matilda the hen and Mouse were designed by Jorgen Mus.

The series consists of 26 x 11 minute episodes. The animation was supervised by Jorgen Mus. Rendering was done under supervision of Tom Olieslagers and me.

The series is currently distributed by Breakthrough Entertainment.

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